Michelle Hogben


Hi, I'm Michelle. My role at Achieve is overseeing all things bookings, answering any phone enquiries and ensuring all clients are welcomed with a friendly face. Favourite Quote: "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer [...]

Abbey Munro


Hi, I'm Abbey. My role as an exercise physiologist is to develop and prescribe safe and effective exercise interventions designed to optimize client's functional ability, overall health and quality of life. I prioritize working together with clients in setting meaningful goals and helping them achieve these [...]

Rachel Armstrong


Hi, I'm Rachel. I am an exercise physiologist, so I help people manage chronic disease through forming healthy lifestyle habits and exercise routines. I also help rehab musculoskeletal injuries and use exercise to improve my client's function and confidence in their bodies. Favourite Quote: "What [...]

Zachary Crowther


Hi, I'm Zachary. My role at Achieve Exercise Physiology involves exercise delivery for a range of individuals suffering from chronic conditions. As a student exercise physiologist, I work under the supervision and delegation of exercise physiologists to improve clients quality of life through exercise.  Favourite Quote: "Greater [...]

Harmony Meecham


Hi. I’m Harmony. My main role at Achieve is to assist with designing and the delivery of exercise programs to clients based on their individual needs and goals, in particular aged care and NDIS clients. Favourite Quote: "I like my money where I can see [...]

Gavin Kearney


Hi. I’m Gavin. I manage my clients' conditions including musculoskeletal, cardiac, metabolic, cancer, and mental health.  I provide evidence-based treatment in the form of exercise to educate individuals on how to manage their condition to improve their quality of life. Favourite Quote:  You can catch [...]

Anastasia Harvey


Hi, I'm Anastasia. I am an Exercise Physiologist with a keen interest in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Favourite Quote: "Being perfect isn't about the scoreboard. It's not about winning, it's about you and your relationship with yourself, your family and your friends. Being perfect is about being [...]

Chelsea O’Brien


Hi, I'm Chelsea I primarily do one-on-one sessions with clients presenting with a chronic condition, that could be pain, musculoskeletal injury, cardiovascular disease or neurological impairment. I use education, exercise prescription and intervention to improve the physical health and mental wellness of my clients, help set [...]

Jaymie Franettovich


Hi.  I'm Jaymie. I deal with staff, clients and try to keep everyone happy. Favourite Quote: “Even the smallest person can change the course of the future” / “Doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning’s winning” Favourite Book/Podcast:  My favourite podcast – anything [...]

Tiffany Beveridge


Hi.  I'm Tiffany.  My role at Achieve is to book and cancel clients, take calls and greet every client with a smile amongst other things. Favourite Quote: “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.” —Michael Scott (Steve Carrell), The Office Favourite Book/Podcast:  Crime [...]

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